UK contributions to Rubin Commissioning accepted
We have now received formal confirmation that the LSST:UK contributions to Rubin commissioning have been accepted by the System Integration Test and Commissioning (SITCom) team. SITCom are the recipient group for our contributions within the International In-kind programme. We will be working with SITCom leadership to on-board UK team members and define the details of our contributions in the coming months. This will lead to us working within a fully integrated and enlarged SITCom team spanning existing SITCom members plus new members from the International In-kind and US/Chile communities. LSST:UK SITCom members are as follows: Manda Banerji (Southampton), Chris Collins (LJMU), Gavin Dalton (Oxford/RALSpace), Anais Gonneau (CASU), Carlos Gonzalez-Fernandez (CASU), Sugata Kaviraj (Hertfordshire), Jon Loveday (Sussex), Richard McMahon (IoA), Tim Naylor (Exeter), Dan Ryczanowski (Birmingham), Raphael Shirley (Southampton), Graham Smith (Birmingham), Leigh Smith (CASU), Will Sutherland (QMUL), Nic Walton (CASU), Aaron Watkins (Hertfordshire), Tom Wilson (Exeter). All going well, our contributions will mainly occur during 2023 as ComCam and LSSTCam get on sky for the first time. During this time I aim to keep the LSST:UK community updated via the monthly newsletter, and colleagues are always welcome to email me (gps [at] with specific questions.
Graham Smith, LSST:UK Commissioning Coordinator